Did you know?

1.       STRESS SYMPTOMS: Stress can affect your well-being and may show some of these symptoms:

·         Physical. Frequent colds or flu, headaches, trouble sleeping, muscle tension, skin problems, trouble with digestion.

·         Mental. Poor concentration, forgetfulness, learning problems, frequent negative thoughts, speech problems.

·         Emotional. Anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, feelings of helplessness, lack of purpose, relationship troubles

·         Behavioural. Eating poorly, driving recklessly, using alcohol or drugs, being accident prone, showing aggression.[1]

2.       DIET: If you want to live a healthy and balanced life, remember these key suggestions:

Balance. Eat a mix of different types of food: fruits and vegetables, protein and whole grains.

·         Variety. Choose a wide range of foods of different colours.

·         Flexibility. Find an eating plan that fits your schedule and tastes.

·         Moderation. Don't eat TOO much of any one food.[2]

3.       EXERCISE: Walking, swimming, bicycling, stair climbing, dancing, jogging and gardening are activities that makes your heart and lungs work harder than they do when you rest or walk normally.[3]

4.       STRESS: Stress can lead to depression, and depression can lead to self-harm, BE VIGILANT! These are some warning signs may indicate that someone is in crisis and/or possibly suicidal:

a.       Hopelessness, anxiety, rage or anger, engaging in risky activities, increasing or excessive tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse, withdrawing from family and friends.[4]

5.       Leadership could be stressful; therefore, experts recommend providing a minimum of 4 hours of sleep during each 24-hour period; 7-8 hours is more ideal.[5]

Positive lifestyle

a)       Set limits - It is OK to say NO, you do not have to do everything or fit too much into a day/life.

b)      Know your priorities - Use your time and energy wisely is a good way to control stress. Save time for the things that matter most in your life. Ask yourself: Do I really need to do this? Do I want to do this?

c)       Learn to accept support - Do not feel embarrassed to ask for help when you need it. Open new lines of communication with family and friends.

d)      Family - Be careful not to take your stress out on your children. They may not understand why you're stressed. But they can sense your moods. Be aware that many children—especially teenagers—are under stress, too. Plan time to talk with your kids.

e)      Be part of your COMMUNITY - Taking part in community or faith-based events can offer a sense of belonging.[6]

Let´s go digital.... Stress management – relief APPS

Many apps can be found online for free or low cost to support your mindfulness, stress management and more…

1.       Mindfulness Coach- https://mobile.va.gov/app/mindfulness-coach

2.       COVID Coach- https://mobile.va.gov/app/covid-coach

3.       Couples Coach- https://mobile.va.gov/app/couples-coach

4.       Insomnia Coach- https://mobile.va.gov/app/insomnia-coach

5.       Headspace App- https://bluestarfam.org/knowledge-base/headspace-meditation-mindfulness-app/

[1] https://veteranshealthlibrary.va.gov/HealthyLiving/Stress/StressManagement/142,85163_VA

[2] https://veteranshealthlibrary.va.gov/HealthyLiving/EatWisely/Facts/142,84540_VA

[3] https://veteranshealthlibrary.va.gov/HealthyLiving/Active/Benefits/142,82041_VA

[4] https://veteranshealthlibrary.va.gov/HealthyLiving/Safety/Safety/142%2CHLM011_VA

[5] https://www.cstsonline.org/assets/media/documents/CSTS_FS_Military_Leadership_Stressful_Situations.pdf

[6] https://veteranshealthlibrary.va.gov/Search/142,85452_VA