Collaborative Weighs In On Commissary Closures in UT San Deigo

Posted on: March 11, 2014  |  Posted in: Community Blog

The Collaborative Coordinator, Joe Buehrle, weighed in on the potential commissary closures on in December 2013.

It’s a great article and a good read. Below is an outtake:

In a county as closely tied to the military as San Diego, the prospect of commissary closings strikes a particularly dour note. “This would impact mostly the lower-ranking service members and their families, who are on the front lines of war…,” said Joe Buehrle, director of the San Diego Military Families Collaborative…When they were closed for five days two months ago during the government shutdown, “there were increased calls for services, including emergency food requests,” Buehrle said. “And that was just for five days.”

Read the full article, “Commissary Closure Plan a Bad Idea”, click here.