SDMFC State of the Collaborative 2017
Posted on: February 2, 2017 | Posted in: Community Blog
We had 134 attendees at our 2017 State of the Collaborative on Friday, January 27th, 2017! Thank you to all of those who came out to celebrate our successes in 2016, provide feedback, and network our way into 2017!
We were welcomed by Nick Macchione, Health and Human Services Agency Director and Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for the County of San Diego. Mr. Macchione shared the importance of collaboration in supporting military family resilience and the ongoing commitment of the County to serve those who serve us.
“We’re going to make sure we have the backs of our men and woman when their defending this nation; we’re going to make sure we take care of their families,” said Macchione.
Our SDMFC Coordinating Council hailed five new members to our team and said farewell to two long-standing members, Barbara Padilla and RanDee McLain. Thank you Barbara & RanDee for your dedication and support of the SDMFC. Welcome to the following new members:
- Kelly Wilson, Blue Star Families
- Jennifer Santis, Courage to Call
- Sarah Roher, Fleet & Family Support Center
- Taylor Wycoff, Cygnet Theatre
- Lisa Marcolongo, The Elizabeth Hospice
Several of our partners helped to present our “Year in Review” highlighting our impact, learn-forwards, and growth opportunities in 2016. $113, 305 worth of in-kind time was donated to the Collaborative in 2016 by our 150+ partner organizations. The data was pulled from our attendance records, annual survey, attendee surveys, and website/social media platforms. We also had the opportunity to showcase the work of our 3 action teams who helped 99 military spouses feel prepared for their families transition to civilian life, improve attendance and family engagement at Miller Elementary School, and create awareness around alcohol and other drug prevention in our community. Click on the infographic to check out the highlights.
The use of Wordles to analyze the data helped us visualize common themes from our network on why we all show up each month to participate and share:
We loved hearing the success stories shared through our survey and at the event. They demonstrate the cross-sector teamwork, new partnerships, and most importantly military families served through our Collaborative efforts. Those stories are the reason we do what we do every day.
After a Pep Talk from Kid President we all got the opportunity to participate in a SDMFC EdCamp. Some of the hot topics were military caregivers, domestic violence, childcare, transition relocation support, and mental health wellness & stigma. We were also able to gather information for needs in the areas of fatherhood, foreign-born military spouses, and homeschooling from the conversations.
Thanks again to all those who came out to participate in our 5th Annual State of the Collaborative.
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