MONTH IN REVIEW: January 2020
Posted on: February 5, 2020 | Posted in: Community Blog, Information of the Month
To start off 2020, SDMFC is hitting the ground running! Check out what is happening below…
Monthly Convening: “Human Trafficking”
On Friday, January 24, SDMFC hosted its first Monthly Convening for 2020 at the Mission Valley Library and focused on the topic of “Human Trafficking.” We were privileged to the San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts (SDSCPA) in attendance to showcase a few scenes from the student-led production called “TrappED,” exhibiting the slippery slope teens my face when dealing with the starts of human trafficking. Be on the lookout, a recorded production of “TrappED” will be available for sharing among the public. Once released SDMFC will add the link in this post! Additionally the January convening was joined by four subject matter experts fighting against human trafficking:
- Brenda M. Wells, i-5 Freedom Network (
- Daniel Dierdoff, San Diego Police Department (
- Fanny Yu, San Diego County Deputy District Attorney (
- Rachel Devine, GenerateHope (
If you would like to view the panel from our Facebook LIVE, CLICK HERE! Seeking more resources or information about Human Trafficking? See below:
- The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is agreat resource for parents or caregivers who have runaway youth or youth who may be groomed or already exploited. The website also contain great information on internet safety. When a youth is reported missing to NCMEC there are case managers that will create a profile and they will contact local law enforcement when the youth is reported found even in other jurisdictions.
- National Human Trafficking Hotline, 1-888-373-7888, and Text 233733 allows victims of human trafficking or their families to call in to the 24/7 hotline & text to get help. Upon receiving the call the Hotline will contact the local law enforcement of where the victim may be to help them escape their trafficker.
- San Diego Trafficking Prevention Collective (SDTPC) provides three unique programs – PROTECT, Project Roots, and kNOw MORE to bring HT awareness & prevention education to San Diego youth and families. Find out more at their website –
- Presentation of San Diego Human Trafficking –,%20DDA%20&%20Michelle%20Shores,%20RN.pdf
- San Diego County District Attorney Human Trafficking FAQs –
- North County Lifeline-
- The San Diego County Regional Human Trafficking & CSEC Advisory Council meets monthly to discuss relevant issues regarding combating HT in San Diego. The next meeting if anyone is interested to attend will be Weds., Feb. 12th at 1:30pm at the County Administrative building at 1600 Pacific Hwy, SD CA 92101 in room 302.
MTSE Transition Workshops
The remaining MTSE evening workshop dates are scheduled to begin at 5:00pm at SAY San Diego. For more dates and information, CLICK HERE!
CPSA 2019-2020 Forums
Community Prevention and Safety Alliance (CPSA) has been preparing for the first forum of 2020. As a continuation from 2019, this “What I Wish My Parents Knew” (WIWMPK) forum, will take place on Tuesday, February 11 from 5:30pm-8:00pm @ Serra High School. The event is intended for parents and youth (middle and high school students) who attend schools in the San Diego Unified School District or to families who may reside in the 92123 or 92124 zip codes in order to better understand the issues teenagers are facing through interactive break-out sessions facilitated and led by youth. February’s Topic will be on “Pathways to Success: Next Steps Following School” with guest speakers reviewing the pathways of:
- 2-Year Colleges
- 4-Year Colleges
- Employment/Trade Schools
- Military Service Careers
Childcare and dinner will be provided! If you would like to get involved, please contact the CPSA Action Team at
SDMFC Membership
Looking to become a member with SDMFC? Membership benefits include members-only training/networking events; Annual Summit discount, Resource profile on our website; and much more!
As we kick off 2020, the San Diego Military Family Collaborative (SDMFC) is continuing membership and developing new ways of connecting and collaborating with our members.
- If you are a current member and would like to renew as an organization/agency, see the renewal application below!
- If you are new and would like to sign up as an organization/agency, please fill out the new application to as an SDMFC Organizational Member.
- If you would like to sign up as an independent, not affiliated with an organization/agency, please fill out the Independent Member application below.
- If you are considering to become a member, please review the applications below and the FAQ to learn more about our membership opportunities and benefits.
- If you are not interested in becoming a member, you are still welcome to participate in our Convenings, Action Team Meetings, and workshops; however, you will not be entitled to the benefits that come with SDMFC membership. See full membership benefits in the FAQ below.