MONTH IN REVIEW: September 2019

Posted on: September 30, 2019  |  Posted in: Community Blog

The month of September has been very rewarding! The Collaborative hosted yet another successful Monthly Convening focused on “Legal Resources.” SDMFC has also hosted it’s second Members-Only Training for its members titles “PR Media.”


MTSE Transition Workshops

The remaining MTSE evening workshop dates are scheduled to begin at 5:00pm at SAY San Diego. For more dates and information, CLICK HERE!



Monthly Convening: “Legal”

On Friday, September 27, the SDMFC hosted its Monthly Convening at the Mission Valley Library and focused on the topic of “Legal.” We were thrilled to have different subject matter experts form a panel and answer our audience’s questions as well as share legal resources that military families can utilize if needed. 

Some of the legal resources that were mentioned during the convening are: 

Watch the FB Live video here: 

Here are some photos from the convening: 


CPSA 2019-2020 Forums

Community Prevention and Safety Alliance (CPSA) has been working diligently the past two months to prepare for the 2019-2020 academic year forums. The first forum will took place on Tuesday, September 10 from 5:30pm-8:00pm @ Serra High School. The forum has over 35 parents and youth (middle and high school students) attending that day. We had 5 different breakout sessions focused on different topics. The forum was a success in terms of attendance and feedback received from our audience. Here are some pictures from the event:


The next forum is coming up on Tuesday, November 12th from 5:30pm-8:00pm @ Serra High School. Childcare and dinner will be provided, so register ASAP! If you would like to get involved, please contact the CPSA Team at




SDMFC 9th Annual Summit

Reminder: Mark your calendar for SDMFC’s 9th Annual Summit, themed “Get the Word Out,” happening Friday, October 25, at the Escondido North Inland Live Well Center. Last year’s acclaimed event saw nearly 200 attendees, representing various nonprofit and service provider agencies, command leadership, and civic/governmental organizations.

Registration is now OPEN! RSVP HERE


SDMFC Members-Only Networking Event

On Monday, September 30, SDMFC hosted its second Members-Only Training at SAY San Diego. The event featured fun and engaging networking opportunities to encourage collaboration and getting to know one another as well as subject matter experts discussing PR and Media Outlets. SDMFC was able to provide this training to over 25 of our unique members! Check out photos below!