Tips to Ease the Holidays for EFMP Kids
Posted on: December 17, 2014 | Posted in: Community Blog
As the holiday approaches things can become hectic in the midst of all the joy and festivities. Parents who have children with exceptional needs and differences should be prepared and plan for a more enjoyable season with family and friends. I will share some of the tips and strategies I have used during past holiday seasons.
- Make it visual: have a calendar posted for events and gatherings. Maybe include some photos of similar events from years prior.
- Provide reminders: It’s ok to remind children what the plans are, especially if it’s going to be different from their normal routine of events.
- Create traditions or sensory indicators: Baking, warm beverages, and fragrance changes in the home let the children know that this is the holiday season. When using lights have a time that they will go off consistently (have the child be the time keeper) or let them notify you that it’s time for tree lights to be turned off.
- Talk to Family and Friends: Remind family and friends about your young one’s triggers and ask if they could be mindful of them when you are visiting. Ask family and friends if there is a space or place at their home where you can instruct your child to go in case they need a moment to decompress or just need a sensory vacation.
- Limit Noise: Limit the time you will be at loud, noisy events if possible. If not, bring earphones or plugs to minimize the effects it might have on a child with noise sensitivity issues.
- Role Play: Give everyone an assignment. It helps prevents boredom and gives you a reason to praise the children for their efforts. For example, someone can water the tree, someone can vacuum up tinsel and pine needles, and others can help wrap gifts or place bows.
If you are in need of additional tips and strategies for having a joyous season with minimal meltdowns and overloads feel free to contact me or set up an individual appointment at 619-647-0333.
Make it a great holiday,
LaTysa Flowers
Parent Educator
Healthy Start
Phone: 858-496-0044
Mobile: 619-647-0333
Fax: 858-496-0077