SDMFC Annual Conference 2015

Posted on: August 31, 2015  |  Posted in: Community Blog

2015 Title: Stop, Collaborate and Listen to Activate Our 2015 Vision

Military Children – Ready and Resilient

Friday, October 2nd from 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM
SDG&E Energy Innovation Center (4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92117)

Homecoming -42


Keynote Address: Mary Keller Ed.D. – President and CEO of the Military Child Education Coalition

We are excited to announce that the focus of our 2015 Annual Conference is “Supporting Military Children as Resilient Students”. SDMFC is working toward enhancing military children student success in education in a targeted military community.   During the conference, participants will assess how their services, resources and supports can best enhance academic success by supporting military families in the areas of education, health & wellness, financial health and employment. Our goal is to demonstrate how this collective impact model can be applied not only to our targeted community, but military communities across the country.

Program Highlights: 

  • Welcome from CAPT Plummer – Chief of Staff, Navy Region Southwest and  Brigadier General Banta – Commanding General, Marine Corps Installations West-MCB Camp Pendleton
  • Keynote Address: Mary Keller Ed.D. – President and CEO of the Military Child Education Coalition
  • Honored Guest: Congresswoman Susan Davis
  • Panel: Principal’s, School Liaison Officers, Military Kids and Parents
  • Interactive Breakout Sessions: Education, Health & Wellness, Financial Health and Employment.

Featured Speakers:

Please click on the speaker’s picture to go to their more detailed biography. 

CAPT Christopher W. Plummer – Chief of Staff, Navy Region Southwest

capt plummer

Brigadier General Edward D. Banta – Commanding General, Marine Corps Installations West-MCB Camp Pendleton

Mary M. Keller, Ed.D. – President and CEO, Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)


Additional Information

If you have any questions or need to pay by check, please email

**Scholarships available upon request**

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Program and staffing support for the San Diego Military Family Collaborative provided by SAY San Diego

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